Nov 2022

The Dialectic of Creativity

Time to Unleash Creativity
Photos by Luisa O'Rourke, Evgeny Revvo, and Shealynn Chin

Why are we creative? Why are we not?              

In The Dialectic of Creativity, Hermann Vaske explores these questions in conversations with Marina Abramović, Vivienne Westwood, David Hockney, Georg Baselitz, Björk, Jeff Koons, Zaha Hadid, Christo, Yoko Ono, Oliviero Toscani, Damien Hirst, Jim Jarmusch, Shirin Neshat, David Bowie, and many more of the most influential creatives of our time. Together, they identify the stimuli as well as the beta blockers - the killers - of creativity: spirituality, sex, money, fear, nurture, ambition versus censorship, self-censorship, bureaucracy, compromise, distraction, gatekeepers. Often it is these very blockages - these threats to creativity - that allow it to thrive.

A dialectical synthesis of opposites: Today, as we are facing an existential threat to our planet, it is time to come up with new ideas, more creative than ever. The Dialectic of Creativity explores all facets of creativity - artistic, intellectual, philosophical, and scientific. It is accompanied by a series of films and an exhibition.

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It's important that Hermann is putting creativity under the spotlight. In times of crisis, we should interrogate creativity.
Shirin Neshat, Artist


Very bellisimo. Bravo.
Oliviero Toscani, Photographer


As diverse as the people Vaske interviewed are, so are their responses to the current challenges.
Der Spiegel
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