Jun 2006

Invasion of the Ideas

A Creative Documentary
Photos by Boris Becker and Hermann Vaske

Join filmmaker Hermann Vaske on a surprising encounter with that unknown being called "idea." Everybody knows about ideas, but to get a grip on them is a Sisyphean task. In order to get closer to them, Vaske interviewed a number of top scientists and artists of the different creative disciplines. He succeeded in creating an enjoyable and stimulating discovery journey combining people’s meandering walk of personal stories and thoughts with a fast cut montage of their work samples.

Nothing is so powerful as an idea whose time has come. As Victor Hugo once said, “A stand can be made against an invasion by an army. No stand can be made against an invasion by an idea.”

Long live the idea!


Cannes Festival of Creativity - 2006



Rich food for eyes and brain.


In a fast-paced montage of video clips and commercials, sketches and film clips, the documentary attempts to the origin of the ideas and their uniqueness.


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