Jan 2004

Blixa Bargeld reads Hornbach

13 Uncommercials
Photos by Andre Urban and Mathe Toth

This film shot by Hermann Vaske is an extraordinary yet relevant campaign for Hornbach DIY superstore.

In a series of thirteen films, Blixa Bargeld (founder and singer of the cult band Einstürzende Neubauten) reads the Hornbach catalogue, juxtaposing low art and high art in Ernst Jandl-style.

The winds of avant-garde blows through the Hornbach-catalogue when Blixa Bargeld shouts, “Quarzitpolygonalplatten!”

Known for his extraordinary stage acts, as well as his collaborations with Nick Cave and theatre legend Heiner Müller (Hamlet-Maschine), Blixa Bargeld delivers a breathtaking performance in his readings, which are authentic, powerful, sensitive, and ironic at the same time.

“Those films are uncommercials. And a great example of what’s possible,” said legendary author and creative director Paul Arden from ASD Lionheart London. “Blixa Bargeld turns the banal of the small print into a piece of art.”

The films were conceptualized by Heimat Berlin (Guido Höffels) and directed by Hermann Vaske, who also produced the films. They were shot on Super 8 on location, which included an old aviation control station, an old harbor mole, a former hotel, and an underground car park. Blixa Bargeld reads Hornbach is the discovery of beauty in unexpected places.

“I was fascinated by the project because it fulfilled my definition of creativity: to bring two things together that have nothing to do with each other, to form a third,” says director Hermann Vaske who previously collaborated with Bargeld on a commercial for the Erotic Art Museum in Hamburg.

Vaske’s Hornbach films were shown in exhibition at the Gallery of Landes Rheinland-Pfalz in Koblenz and Montabaur, the Museum of Applied Arts in Frankfurt, and the Gallery Crone in Vienna.

Festivals & Awards

Gold Award of the New York Film and Video Festival - 2006

Gold medal of the German Art Directors Club for the TV campaign - 2005

Bronze Lion at the Cannes International Film and Television Festival - 2005

Silver medal of the German Art Directors Club for the image film - 2005

Zeppelin University Visions Award for the TV campaign - 2005

Silver Spotlight Award for the TV campaign - 2005

Mobius Award for the TV campaign - 2005

Gold at the Golden Award of Montreux for the TV campaign - 2005

Shortlist ARD Radio Award for the TV campaign - 2005

Finalist at London International Advertising Awards - 2005

Silver at the Epica Awards - 2004



A touch of Brecht.
LA Magazin


And when Bargeld gloomily intones "Yippieyeah," the acoustic signature of the chain, one is witnessing the Dadaist reading of an eccentric. The commercials are a successful prelude to the exhibition "There are... reflections from a damaged life?," which connects the beginning of the hardware store chain's slogan, "There is always something to do," with Adorno's "There is no right life in the wrong one."
Kunstbulletin, Switzerland


In the short film "Blixa Bargeld Reads Hornbach" Blixa Bargeld recites power drills, insulation material, and screws from the hardware store catalog like a Greek tragedy, complete with the advertising jingle.
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